Monday 8 January 2018

Why "Nature Lovers" are healthier, happy and creative

  Reasons why "Nature Lovers" are healthier, happy and creative.

                                                    Image result for nature people

     Nature is the strongest source of anti-depression. The closer we are to nature, the more we will feel calm and peaceful. In fact, environmental awareness makes one able to strengthen the body's defense system. Green plants produce a kind of chemical called phytoncides to protect themselves from insects and decay. Interestingly, when humans sniff this material, it increases the number of cells in the body while enhancing the body's defense system.

     In addition, nature can quickly remove calories. For example, If you like hiking activities, do you know you can get rid of up to 500 calories when running within 60 mins? So lets keep healthy :)

     Moreover, nature also makes our brain becomes sharper compared to the time spent on seeing a cell phone or computer a day, when you go out and walk the sights, the brain will become more developed.

     So, lets make some time to visit the national park, walk in the jungle and enjoy the beautiful panoramic views around you if you want to be healthier, calmer, happier and more creative <3

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