Thursday 11 January 2018



Environment comes from the French word ‘environ’ which means surroundings. The environment means our surroundings: the air, the water and the earth. Environment refers to the surrounding (both living and non-living) of the livings species. The human-beings, plants, animals and other living beings operate in the environment. Environment is also sometimes referred to as habitat.There is a close relationship between living organisms and environment.

     Ecology is the branch of science that studies the interaction between organisms and their environment. The interaction of living beings, including human-beings, brings changes in the environment. Similarly, livings beings also display changes within them with the change in the environment. 

     Human-beings and other living creatures depend upon environment and natural surroundings.  We can save our environment by pollution control laws should be imposed strictly. Besides that, emission of carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse gases should be strictly controlled to save our environment from the threat of global warming.

1 comment:

ziziekirana said...

interesting 💜

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