Tuesday 9 January 2018


     Forest is a natural resource that plays a very important role in the life of society and the socio-economic progress of a state. Jungle areas with special features and natural beauty can also be a popular recreation and tourism area. This approach has already been implemented in Malaysia when a small number of forests in our country have been opened as nature-based recreation and tourism areas. Some examples of this area include the forest area known "tropical forest".

Sungai Bantang

Ulu Bendul, Kuala Pilah
Soga Perdana, Batu Pahat
     Malaysia is very lucky to be blessed with high value natural resources and contributes significantly to the socio-economic development of the country. Malaysia's forests are rich in various species of flora and fauna. So, we as Malaysians should ppreciate the forest because the forest is a valuable treasure.

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