Wednesday 6 December 2017


     Lets talk about beauty of nature now. Beauty is like a tree. It has many branches but one central trunk which there are many cultural variation of taste, tradition and idiom but one vital human appetite for beauty and one culturally universal collection of human aesthetic aptitudes. Like wise, there are many art forms like painting, sculpture, music, storytelling, dramatic, dance and so on but one mysterious quality of transforming loveliness of affecting presence, that they all share.

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     Beauty is like a tree in another respect too. It is something deeply rooted in the soil of our origins in the natural world, I think something which if cut off from its root will die, but also something which continues to grow and put out new flowers, fruits and seeds every season. Today, many people who talk about beauty confine themselves to a single art-form and ignoring the connection with others. 
     I wonder if where people live or grew up makes a difference to how they perceive nature's beauty. For example, if you grew up in the middle of a large city you might rarely have the opportunity to connect with nature and so never really think about it. If however, you grew up in a village in the mountains, or by the sea or some other wild and beautiful place you might feel a strong connection and appreciation of nature. Its just a thought... The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams 🌲🌳🌷🍃🍀🌿

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